Tuesday, September 26, 2017

World grown cold

With the change of the seasons, there is a world grown colder. What is loved gives way to that which is desired. We are in danger of losing ourselves.

The thing that is wanted is put before what is needed. Everything else is doomed to fall by the wayside. What we hoped to gain leaves us at a loss.

Our choices determine what we become. We cannot let a few bad decisions define us. If we do not clean up our act, we deserve an existence in filth.

None of this has been set in stone. Let us carve out a future that we can live with. Or else we will merely become the pawns in someone else's game.

If we stop caring, a living world is dead and gone. Nothing will matter when all is for naught. Only a fool would put their life in someone else's hands.

A chill is in the air, but let it not find a way inside. Without the warmth, life is cold comfort. There is no fear of perishing when one is already dead within.


  1. I think, at this point, you have the chosen and the ones who shall ultimately fail. Those who are reprobate cannot be trained by you, Don. Either people will strive to be more or settle for mediocrity. Talking about this is rather futile when it comes down to it. We are currently in the end times. The good will inherit the Earth, and the evil will cease to be human. Nothing you say or advise will affect this in any way. Your wisdom is useless on the spiritual level.

    Not trying to be mean, but you are acting like its several centuries earlier where words like that might have mattered. And even then, they barely did because the problems of the world had origins thousands of years earlier, and you were born much too late to really help out in that manner. How can you help? Write your damn stories (which are wonderful) and stop trying to be the next Dalai Lama.

    1. Those who have been warned are without excuse. Some will listen and others will ignore. It does not mean such things should not be said.

  2. HOT or COLD are better than LUKEWARM. The heroic are inspiring and the sinister rouse to action. The apathetic... just sit there until conscripted for good or evil not their own.

    1. This world is losing its heart. It is something worth mourning. And maybe it is not too late.

  3. Create, love, and laugh, the world be damned! Burn with passion and the fire will spread snuffing out the cold. Caring for the world is all about becoming a light within the darkness.

    1. The fire will spread within the hearts of the good. And it just might make things better. It is better than being part of the problem.
