Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Preceding the dawn

Evil delights in sacrifice. That one's decision could leave another at a loss thrills the wicked to no end. For the power they crave means others will suffer.

Good people do not get what they deserve in this world. They wind up martyrs for all their efforts. It is a sad state of affairs when the best we can do is to die.

Yet, the alternative is a far worse fate. Giving in to the darkness means becoming part of it. At least a hopeless fight means what we are on the inside remains.

Wonderful things can still be accomplished. It starts with people reaping what they have sown. May there be a reckoning for everything done and not done.

The future is uncertain, but the present is staring us in the face. It does not look good, but that is normal. It is the deepest darkness which precedes the dawn.

That we are still fighting means we are not beaten. The enemy has much to fear. They have taken their best shot, and now we will show what we can do.


  1. Well the world isn't working correctly because there are those among us that only think about themselves. That has nothing to with the concept of a perfectly working world. You do need to act for the world that should work rather than constantly sneak your way around a failing world invented by people who are against you to begin with. This blog was actually quite cynical and misleading.

    1. Unfortunately, this is the world we live in. You can only deal with a problem by taking an honest look at it. Then, you can decide what can be done.

  2. The future is indeed uncertain, it is what we create today that determines tomorrow. If we sow the seeds of despair then only a dark future will await us. The dawn awaits those who realize what they deserve was given to them from the beginning.

    1. We shall see what will be. The future is made of what we do now. If anything is to happen, it is because we bring it to pass.
