Tuesday, January 12, 2016

No worse enemy

There is no worse enemy than oneself. No matter how many battles are won on the outside, it means nothing if you cannot conquer your own demons. The first step is to recognize that you are the problem.

Whatever a person does is right to them. When confronted with their faults, they will rationalize such things as personality traits. And then, they will proceed to defend that which should be condemned.

It is nigh impossible to improve what has already been accepted. Instead, you will turn on those who took issue with it. For the real desire is not to face yourself, but to face down your critics.

People are overly critical, so you cannot always believe what they say. But if nothing good comes from what you are doing, then you should stop doing it. Self-discipline negates the need for correction.

Those full of advice, tend to be the last ones to take it. They will point fingers at everyone else. It is easier to tell someone else what to do, than it is to look at yourself.

If you are going the wrong way, you have but to turn around. Do not look back, for you may like what you see. Just keep going, and leave your failings in the dust far behind.


  1. True. The old saying "You're your own worst enemy" is the truth that brought down empires, Bill Cosby, Jared Fogle and countless others. Let us be wary that we shall not be lost in the crowd of the damned.

    1. Hypocrisy is a fatal flaw. Self-discipline will keep you from falling into the trap. Keep your own house clean and you will be protected.

  2. If it don't work, try something else. If it an't broke, don't fix it.

    1. Most people have problems with honesty. They will swear up and down that something is not broken, with all the pieces scattered around. That is why improvement is so difficult: you have to recognize first that there is a problem.
