Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Count your blessings

It is easy to compile a list of grievances. How many of us take the time to count our blessings? There is so much for which we should be grateful.

Life and health are things we take for granted. Yet, the loss of such can be quite sudden. If you are blessed with both, consider yourself fortunate.

To have a job means you can support yourself and others. Who can survive without family and friends? Yet, none of these are guaranteed.

No one has been gifted with a perfect life. Each of us has struggles and trials that we must face. Still, how many are left to fend for themselves?

Natural talents abound, and everyone can do something. Do you waste that which is cherished? Use what you have while you are able to do so.

People miss the good by focusing on the bad. How much truly escapes our notice? If you neglect what is provided, do not expect to be given more.


  1. I look at it like this, every day is a gift and we have but today to do something great with it. We may have obstacles show up or things may go off course but we were blessed from the beginning with the ability to make the journey. Our trials are there to see who we really are.

    1. Those who squander their gifts will live to regret it. We have the ability to do great things. It would be shameful not to live up to our potential.

  2. The ability to have a job and work to support yourself and others is far from good fortune. It is the humdrum of life and a rather slow form of death. We cannot truly be fortunate until we have marked this world with our talents. And yes, I see you cover that in the blog... way down at the bottom.

    1. People waste time complaining about their lot in life. We would do well to remember there are those who lack what we take for granted. A little gratitude goes a long way.
