Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Sense of readiness

A lot of the frustrations we face are due to bad timing. This is not a cause for shame. Since we do not know everything, mistakes are bound to happen.

Some people have a better sense of this than others. It pays to be at the right place at the right time. If you cannot, then make sure what you do counts.

Those who are late have already lowered expectations. The results of this can be disastrous. Things get worse when others end up being affected.

We cannot be held responsible for our lack of foresight. Yet, a little forethought can save a lot of grief. Those who do not plan ahead do fall behind.

Understand that nothing goes according to plan. Be ready to adapt to changing circumstances. Some of the most productive thinking is done on the spot.

The attentive tend to have better timing. Being aware of what goes on around you gives a sense of readiness. A little preparation can go a long way.


  1. Summary: Random bad things tend to happen, and they suck. Try and avoid them, but life is what it is.

    1. While the bad things that happen can be random, with a little awareness they can be prevented. Keep your eyes open, and it is possible to avoid the pitfalls of life. Recklessness often leads to one's doom.

  2. We do not choose the time and place in which we are tested, we just have to be who we are and hope for the best.

    1. Much of what we deal with are not tests at all. The world is an obstacle course which we must get through. Those who are prepared stand a better chance.
