Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Unexpected meaning

Pastimes can have unexpected meaning. They might start as something done to while away the day. Yet later, they could have real sentimental value.

It is the little things we do that are often underestimated. We do not know their importance at first glance. Their enjoyment is an unsung pleasure.

Larger matters tend to take care of themselves. A simple decision can be worth more than any other. A single utterance can do a great deal of damage. 

Quality need not come in great quantity. A moment spent caring is better than a lifetime wasted. What you have to show will mean so much more.

Though years may pass, the memory will stay. It could become a precious reminder of time gone by. When you least suspect, is when it comes to mind.

Do not get lost in the chaos of life. Stand firm while everything is spinning around you. The burdens of existence cannot be allowed to cover the blessings.


  1. That is nothing to be proud of. If we are not here to make things better, then this is all a waste of time. It would be better if none of it ever were.

  2. Indeed, the little things can have a large effect. Past times spent with family and friends can have meaningful effects on our lives as well as theirs. We have the power and responsibility to inspire and care for others.

    1. These memories come back to us when we least suspect. What they mean to us is so often underestimated. A little bit of caring goes a long way.
