Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Illusion of grandeur

The world does not give without expecting something in return. To be prominent is to be a target. For all the attention, you must fulfill their wishes.

To gain the finer things in life carries quite a hefty price tag. The means of payment is in obedience. And be assured that it can all be taken away.

Those who would succeed should do so quietly. Take care not to wake the sleeping dragon. For with its stirring there will come the desire to feed.

Knowing more makes you a threat. Only one's value can temporarily protect them. When your use is at an end, it will be known where you stand.

Power is merely the illusion of grandeur. Such a thing is not given, rather it is delegated. Seeking it makes you but a servant and not the master.

Leave the doomed to struggle for the scraps. Do not get caught up in the futility. Live for but a single purpose: solely in order to make things better.


  1. Tit for Tat was originally created by Satan. It's a fairness claim but it can be used in nefarious ways.

    1. No price is too high to get what they want. But in the end, such will be left with nothing. They do not create, but merely bring things to a lower state.

  2. If you feed from the world it does indeed require you to pay for it. There is an elected ruler who demands we bow to him and eat from his hand. If we are a source we are beholden to nobody, we have to become our own person wanting for nothing. Evil requires contracts and deals, the spirit needs none of this to thrive.

    1. The price is exceedingly high. They do not want just your money. If you give them what they desire, then they will own you.
