Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The best teacher

As the years go by, I am reminded that what does not last remains in the past. So many things fall by the wayside. What is important is what endures.

Wounds can be healed with the passage of time. Even the deepest of pains has a tendency to diminish. And one day it has dwindled to but a memory.

It does no good to dwell on our mistakes. Learn from them, and then just keep going. Fixating on such things merely leaves us in a fixed position.

If we lose our momentum, we will return to bad habits. The clock turns back for a repeat performance. This one will be no better than the last.

As teachers go, experience is the best. You have already seen how the story will end. But it is not finished until the final chapter has been written.

Our every day adds another page. Life does love its tragedies, but hopes for better. And a triumph is there somewhere waiting for someone to earn it.


  1. Experience teaches us much, it's important that we do not become blind to what slows us down. Experience also guides us in refining our works, and is crucial to developing our style.

    1. It is important to maintain our momentum. Anything that slows us down robs us of our energy. Then, everything we do becomes tired.

  2. Time is incidental. Fight for what you believe in.

    1. Time may be incidental, but what we do with it is not. Our every day is an opportunity to make things better. It is up to us to make each one count.
