Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Endurance test

When you get knocked down, do you stay there? Or do you get back up and right back into the fight? Life is and always has been a test of endurance.

On the sidelines, criticism comes easy. From the comfort of an armchair, some feel they can lead the team. Hard decisions are made where it is not safe.

To succeed, one must have something to lose. You will struggle most when failure is not an option. For the ramifications can reach far and strike home.

When the enemy plays for keeps, it is no longer a game. Then, you are in a battle for your very survival. The winner lives, and the loser does not.

The clock starts when one is cut to the quick. Every drop that is shed is a grain of sand through the hourglass. Eventually, one's time indeed runs out.

Give it your all, while strength still remains. In the fray, is where one finds their worth. What evil cannot stand are those who refuse to stay down.


  1. https://theblogofdonaldwhite.blogspot.com/2017/02/difficult-decisions.html



    1. All good points to make. It is amazing how these blogs complement one another. When you see something from all angles, then all is revealed.

  2. Life as it is right now is indeed an endurance test. We have to be able to adapt and change our strategy in order to survive. The rules are gonna change very soon, those who withstood the test will be able to make things new without restraint.

    1. In this world, adaptation is necessary. Still, the more things change the more they stay the same. In the end, we will be what we really are.
