Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Making a move

It is not what is said but what is done that is important. Words come easy, but they are hollow without actions. Instead of speaking, we must be about doing.

Intentions can only take us so far. So often, they are like dreams never lived. The desire is there, but it ultimately goes nowhere and we remain where we are.

A journey begins by taking a step into the unknown. This should not be taken lightly. For the dangers which lurk around every turn just might take us down.

There is a price to be paid in any worthwhile endeavor. We are not guaranteed to get out of life what we put into it. But do nothing and that shall be received.

A body in motion will keep things moving. Beware of that which would stop you in your tracks. Those who can be halted shall be left in irrelevance.

What we do here determines everything. A single moment is all we really have. Make your move while you can, or suffer the curse of lasting regret.


  1. The reason we don't get what we put into it is because the world works incorrectly. You should still expect it and rage when it fails you. And most importantly, never give up.

    1. There is no hope for the world. However, there are those in it who make a difference. They are what keeps it from falling apart.

  2. Indeed actions speak louder than words, but these actions must be made carefully without haste. The forces of evil are at their worst it is up to us to make our choices wisely so that we do not fall victim to their deceptions. The biggest mistake we can make is thinking we are alone, Love will always be the answer.

    1. Take the forces of evil lightly, and we will be their prey. Wisdom weighs all things before it makes a decision. Still, there does come a time when we must take action.
