Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A tangled web

What is seen cannot be believed, nor can we trust that which is heard. Deep inside, we know right from wrong. Yet, too much stock is placed in other things.

The truth is unpopular, because it tends to be unpleasant. No one wants to hear about their failures. Still, refusing to listen does not make them go away.

To make progress, you must be willing to see. Opening the eyes can be a frightening prospect. But hiding one's head in the sand leaves the neck unprotected.

The purveyors of lies feed on our desires. They know how to twist things to their own ends. Shine a light, and they will scatter like the vermin they are.

Their behavior is condoned, because it is wanted. People do not like to be found wanting. So, they slay those who dare to reveal what they hide.

It is easy to become entangled in a web of lies. Those sticky strands will hold you fast. The ones who refuse to be alert, will instead be devoured.


  1. I never have seen the Truth as unpleasant, not to contradict what you said it is unpopular because it requires responsibility if you accept it. It is true we can be blind to our failures and never growing because of it. I've always seen the Truth as salvation from the system (or web) of lies set up by the wicked and sustained by the apathetic.

    1. The truth is unpleasant for those who do not want to take responsibility, Chris. They will always be blind to their failures, as a result. Those who have eyes to see, are less likely to fall into the pit.

  2. The worst lies are the ones we convince ourselves us. Even worse is when we try to cover it up by accusing others of our own faults. Do it long enough, and you'll actually believe it.

    1. People will do anything to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. If you believe your own lies, you will deceive yourself unknowingly. But the truth comes out in the end.
