Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Going somewhere

People want someone to follow. But what if that person has no idea where they are going? History is filled with those who followed blind leaders right over the cliff.

Just because an individual is more knowledgeable, does not mean they are wise. Knowing is amassing information. Wisdom is applying what you have learned.

Life does not come with a map. Through experience you learn what works and what does not. If anyone claims to be a guide, be concerned where they are taking you.

Before going anywhere, you should focus on the destination. If you will not be better for the journey, it is best to stay home. Otherwise, you might not like where you end up.

Some spiritual landmarks are tried and true. The more you care, the clearer the path becomes. A good moral compass will always point in the right direction.

Do not expect it to be easy to get where you are going. It is normal to stumble along the way. Often, to reach the mountains you must go through the valleys.


  1. Many seek to follow others blindly. It's really a path of least resistance, but you will always be in the wake of the leader and never be your own person. To walk your own path is much harder but the satisfaction and freedom will be so much more substantial.

    1. Walking your own path is the best way to get where you are going. Otherwise, you might just wind up in the middle of nowhere. Followers are at the mercy of those leading them.

  2. Well, yes it is a bit of a foggy mess you have to deal with when you're going up. There will come a day when you have to make a decision on what you are going to do with yourself. I'm not talking about a vocation. I am talking about how much effort you will put into your life from there on. Since the world itself (minus humanity) does actually favor the bold and sincere, if you choose to live your life dedicated to your talent for it's own sake, you will success despite opposition. I am not saying you shouldn't watch your back, but that is all apart of how much dedication is involved. It's all about not giving an inch in any other direction but for the direction that makes the world a little bit better. It's a constant push forward, and it's a really good thing too. Leave the enemies int he dust; that's where they will end up eventually anyways.

    1. Dedication is key to any successful endeavor. Know that nothing will be given and much will be required. Anyone not prepared to face the trials should stay home.
