Tuesday, April 12, 2016

What is said

Talking is overrated. Any attempt at a serious discussion so quickly devolves into an argument, where the point is lost and the object is merely to win. Winning triumphs over enlightenment every time.

People use their words to hurt others. Quite often the victims are not even in on the conversation, though they are the topic. If you have nothing good to say, it is best to say nothing.

Words are often used to entice and ensnare. You can feel the poison dripping from every syllable. But since people hear only what they want, they are easily entrapped and subdued.

Do not be quick to believe what is said. The most blatant deceit wears quite an alluring disguise. Those who pluck the heartstrings, tend to play the most mournful of tunes.

An honest person will simply say what they must. If an argument ensues, it was not of their design. Not saying the right thing can be just as disastrous as uttering the wrong one.

Words are used to communicate. If they cause only misery, they were born of a miserable soul. Silence is golden, especially when the alternative brings everything to ruin.


  1. To the other viewers of this blog only: Keep an open mind. Sometimes, you will be tested in this world, and you cannot always choose the time and place when it will happen. Prepare yourself. What Don here says is true, but it is not always the case. Know who you are and prepare to defend yourself well. If you fail to meet the challenge, the failure is real despite in how you choose to see it. It will follow you for all your days, and if you cannot accept it, you will be living only a life you make up for yourself--and that is not worth the paper you wrote it on.

    1. Words can be used for good or for ill, Tommy. Sometimes, they are necessary. Often, they are expended fruitlessly.

  2. Talking is indeed overrated when we are not talking from the heart. The conversations I hear these days from the masses seem to be the same spoon fed rhetoric that was handed down from ungrateful masters, of which is just there to divide us. The individual spouting their team’s agenda is merely in it to win, and all true meaning of the words they parrot are lost. When divided we grow with pride in our team even though it’s all superficial, Ego gets in the way and the Truth is lost in the subjective. A person must first be honest with themselves before opening their mouth to say what must be said. Words are for communication and expression of the soul, if the soul of the individual is full of jealousy and hate then poison will flow forth, but if love and kindness are at the core than Truth and Light will shine.

    1. The problem with having an honest conversation is that people have agendas. They only listen in order to twist what is said to fit what they want. If they cared more, they would argue less.
