Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A thankless task

Caring about people can be emotionally exhausting. Their indifference only makes it more difficult. Appreciation comes in small doses, and you must savor every bit.

It is easy to find those who do not care. Take a short walk, and you will trip over several. So, it is important to be one of the few who do.

This means doing things that are unpleasant. We must endure the inconvenience. For to do otherwise, makes us part of the problem.

Caring is a thankless task. But if done for praise, it is already invalidated. You must do it, expecting nothing in return.

Some will see and respond in kind. The evil are not worth bothering with. Leave them to the company of their apathy.

If the whole world cared, it would be a paradise. Learn a lesson from this: indifference sucks the life out of everything. Good nurtures the seeds to produce a bountiful crop.


  1. A shout of so very true! I especially liked the final paragraph for hitting the nail on the head all the way in: indifference does nothing but makes us too tired to do anything and good is that spark that lights up our lives.

    1. Indifference is what makes caring so difficult. It is like trying to run while immersed in water. You will tire very quickly...

  2. Really, the cause of all evil in the world is indifference. We are not even close to having a fairyland because of it. What a shame. If everyone cared, we'd have no use for 75% of your blogs. Sadly, they are relevant in this world as it stands.

    1. It is easier not to care. And people usually take the easy way out. But the easier way tends to have the hardest destination...
